MHA Partners with MedCircle to Launch $5 Million KnowBrainer Mental Health Campaign | Mental Health America

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MHA Partners with MedCircle to Launch $5 Million KnowBrainer Mental Health Campaign

April 29, 2019

Alexandria, VA –– Mental Health America (MHA) is excited to announce that it has partnered with MedCircle on its new KnowBrainer Campaign - an initiative where individuals watch a two-minute video about the brain and MedCircle donates to MHA.

“MHA is happy to be a part of MedCircle’s innovative KnowBrainer campaign,” said Paul Gionfriddo, MHA president and CEO. “If we want to make progress on addressing mental illness before stage 4, we agree that it’s important for all of us to have a better understanding of the brain.”

The campaign is designed to be straightforward, according to Doug Colbeth, CEO of MedCircle. Individuals simply click on the link and watch a two-minute video to learn about an important part of the brain. Viewers then select the charity they want to receive a donation from MedCircle. All donations (up to $5 Million) will be made by the sponsor.

"MedCircle is extremely excited to partner with MHA on the KnowBrainer Campaign,” said Colbeth. “This campaign not only raises awareness of mental health conditions, but also provides knowledge about the brain in a fun and informative way. MedCircle believes a better educated population empower individuals to take more control over their mental health care and better support others."

This campaign directly benefits MHA so we can continue to fulfill our mission – to address the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall health of all Americans.


About MedCircle
Access to the expertise of mental health professionals has become difficult and costly. With a combination of talented experts and proprietary technology, MedCircle provides the expertise of widely recognized professionals in an accessible and affordable manner. The company’s innovative video streaming service is bringing the expertise of the best Doctors to the world - in an accessible and affordable manner. The co-founders of MedCircle are Douglas and Margaret Colbeth - who for decades have been pioneer philanthropists in the mental health arena. Most notably, they opened The Colbeth Clinic for Children & Adolescent Psychiatry in 2002. This innovative mental health outpatient clinic located in Chicago has treated thousands of primarily inner-city children.

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