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Time To Talk: Uncomfortable, But Important
Uncomfortable, But Important | Starting The Conversation | Talking To Your Parents |
A Guide for Adolescents and Teens
It's hard to start the conversation about your mental health, but our guide can help you get started.
It's time to talk about your mental health when...
You just don't "feel right" and aren't sure why.
Your thoughts or things you do just don't seem the way other people think or behave.
Your thoughts, feelings or behaviors are starting to affect your life at home, school or with friends in a bad way.
You've had some of the signs and symptoms below for more than a week:
Feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or worthless |
Sensitivity to sound, sight, smell, or touch |
Feeling overly worried |
Not being able to do school work |
Feeling like your brain is playing tricks on you and hearing knocking or scratching sounds, or your name being called |
Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, or withdrawal from others |
Changes in sleep patterns or energy levels |
Irritability or restlessness |
Problems with concentration, memory or thinking |
Loss of appetite or overeating |
Signs And Symptoms That You Shouldn't Ignore
Thoughts or plans of killing or hurting one's self or another person
Hearing voices or seeing things that no one else can hear or see
Unexplainable changes in thinking, speech, or writing
Being overly suspicious or fearful
Serious drop in school performance
Sudden personality changes that are bizarre or out of character
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text 741741, go to your local Emergency Room or call 911.
Who Can You Talk To?
Find a person you trust. Someone who will listen to you, and help you plan your next steps. While this could be a family member (parents, grandparents, aunt, or uncle), you can also seek out resources at your school (nurse or guidance counselor), church (rabbi, pastor, youth group leader), or community (coach, neighbor).
Don't forget to visit the other pages.
Uncomfortable, But Important | Starting The Conversation | Talking To Your Parents |
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