Joseph N. de Raismes III, JD | Mental Health America

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Joseph N. de Raismes III, JD

Pro Bono General Counsel

A former Board member who is nearly unrivaled in his dedication to the organization, Joseph has been involved with mental health issues as a litigator for the ACLU and the state, as a mental health center board member for over 20 years, as a member of the Colorado Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council for 12 years (6 as Chair) as a founder and member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Mental Health Planning and Advisory Councils for 9 years (6 as Chair), and as a member of the MHA Policy Committee for the past 8 years.

Send Joseph an email.

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 820
 Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone (703) 684.7722

Toll Free (800) 969.6642

Fax (703) 684.5968

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