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Live Your Life Well
The 10 Tools
These proven tools can help you feel stronger and more hopeful. Check out each page for specific, easy-to-follow tips.
- Connect with others
- Stay positive
- Get physically active
- Help others
- Get enough sleep
- Create joy and satisfaction
- Eat well
- Take care of your spirit
- Deal better with hard times
- Get professional help if you need it
Why Mental Health Matters

Some people think that only people with mental illnesses have to pay attention to their mental health.
But the truth is that your emotions, thoughts and attitudes affect your energy, productivity and overall health. Good mental health strengthens your ability to cope with everyday hassles and more serious crises and challenges. Good mental health is essential to creating the life you want.
Just as you brush your teeth or get a flu shot, you can take steps to promote your mental health. A great way to start is by learning to deal with stress.
How Stress Hurts
Stress can eat away at your well-being like acid eating away at your stomach. Actually, stress can contribute to stomach pains and lots of other problems, like:
- headaches
- insomnia
- overeating
- back pain
- high blood pressure
- irritability
- vulnerability to infection
Stress also can lead to serious mental health problems, like depression and anxiety disorders. If you think you have such a problem, you can get help.
Of course you can't magically zap all sources of stress. But you can learn to deal with them in a way that promotes the well-being you want--and deserve.
Learn more about how stress really hurts.
The Evidence
The concrete steps we're suggesting are not based on guesses, fads or advice from grandma (though she probably got a lot right). They represent hundreds of research studies with thousands of participants, often conducted over decades and backed by major universities or government agencies.
This research shows that how good you feel is to a fairly large extent up to you. No matter how stressful your situation, you can take steps to promote your well-being.
We're not talking about huge changes to your lifestyle, either. We're talking about reasonable steps that if used consistently can increase your comfort and boost your ability to build a rewarding life.
About the Live Your Life Well Campaign
Mental Health America is the country's leading non-profit dedicated to promoting mental health. We have worked with communities, families, schools and individuals across the nation to ensure that all people have a chance to thrive. Founded 100 years ago to improve conditions for people with mental illnesses, we have worked tirelessly since then to promote understanding of anxiety disorders, depression and other mental health issues. Our more than 200 affiliate offices help veterans returning from war, victims of natural disasters, children at risk of substance abuse and millions of other people across the country.
Now we are launching the Live Your Life Well campaign to provide tools to people like you who are stressed by the many demands of modern life.
We want you to know that you can thrive even in the face of stress. We want you to know that you can build more of the life you want.
We also want you to know that your mental health is one of your greatest assets. It helps you focus at work, overcome obstacles, get along with the people around you and even fight off illness. And there are simple, effective tools you can use to support this vital asset.
You can find the tools on this website. You also can get more information from your local Mental Health America affiliate.
We at Mental Health America believe...
You can feel better--more vibrant, alert and gratified.
You can feel stronger--more comfortable, confident and productive.
You can Live Your Life Well.
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