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Medicaid's 54th Birthday

By Caren Howard, MHA Advocacy Manager

Medicaid Anniversary

The Fatal Flaw in Graham-Cassidy, and What Comes Next

By Paul Gionfriddo, MHA National President and CEO

Graham-Cassidy died a political death this week, but it isn’t the last we’ll hear of Affordable Care Act reform in this Congress.

Time to Move Forward with a True Medicaid Reform

By Paul Gionfriddo, MHA President and CEO, and Nathaniel Counts, J.D., MHA Senior Policy Director

Medicaid is an expensive program.  For elders in nursing homes, for adults with chronic conditions, and for children with health care needs, it is also a life-saving one.

Health Care or Health Can’t: Western Omelet Style

By Caren Howard, MHA National Advocacy Manager

It’s hard to believe that the U.S. House of Representatives, the legislative body of the people, by the people, and for the people, would seriously consider a health care bill that harms people by eliminating their eligibility to a health insurance plan.

A Nonstarter: Repealing Mental Health Reforms Granted by Obamacare

By: Caren Howard, Advocacy Manager

One in five people in their lifetime will experience a mental health condition and four in 20 people will experience chronic, ongoing issues. Mental health is integral to overall health of an individual throughout their lifespan.

More Challenges Emerge in the Effort to Enact AHCA

By: Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO

As the past few days and weeks have unfolded, it is becoming increasingly clear how the American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) as currently drafted will have mostly unintended, mostly negative consequences for people with behavioral health conditions. We believe that these consequences easily could and should be mitigated.

Reforming Obamacare: The Challenge Ahead for Mental Health

By: Paul Gionfriddo, MHA president and CEO

To contain costs, President-Elect Donald Trump has suggested replacing Obamacare with a package of benefits that might include:

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