August 2013 | Mental Health America

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August 2013

Mind Over Pop Culture: A Dangerous Method

The movie A Dangerous Method focuses on one specific aspect of psychology, the early years of psychoanalysis. The interaction between the well-known psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung was seminal in the creation of the new discipline. What the movie looks at is the importance of two other, less famous colleagues, Sabrina Spielrein and Otto Gross, who were influential at the beginning of the movement.

Debbie Plotnick, MHA's Senior Director on State Policy, on Panel on ACA at Bryn Mawr

Debbie Plotnick, Mental Health America’s Senior Director of State Policy, will speak at Bryn Mawr College’s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research Panel on the Affordable Care Act on Saturday, November 16, from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.

Other panelists are: Michael Campbell, JD, Director, Villanova University Law School Health Clinic, and Koyuki Yip, of the Public Policy Department of the Maternity Care Coalition.

Moderator of the panel is Darlyne Bailey, Dean of Bryn Mawr’s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. 

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