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Mental Health America Blog

Mental Health America Blog - Chiming In

By Nancy Kupka PhD, RN, Walgreens

Physician and philosopher Dr. Albert Schweitzer once said, “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.”

Even if you don’t believe that bad memory contributes to happiness, most people would agree that good health might lead to happiness.

But does happiness lead to good health?...

By Sahar Aker, Founder of I Choose Beauty

I didn't get married until I was 42, and trust me when I say I had plenty of years before then that I was single on Valentine's Day.

Seeing my friends and co-workers get roses and boxes of chocolate from their significant others made me question why this holiday should even exist.

But, since Valentine’s Day isn’t going anywhere,...

By Caren Howard, MHA Advocacy Manager

When it comes to advocating for an important issue like mental health, phone calls, faxes, emails and letters are all important - but face-to-face meetings on Capitol Hill or at your local district offices helps put a face to what can sometimes be a complicated issue.

Here are some tips to make your next visit to your elected official’s office a productive one...

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA Digital Marketing Manager

Sometimes we don’t have the right words to communicate how we’re feeling, and it can be frustrating trying to explain to someone exactly what is going on.

This is where music comes in.

There are countless studies that attribute positive health outcomes to...

Mental Health America (MHA) applauds the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for updating and considering further revisions to the patient confidentiality rule 42 CFR Pt II in its January 3, 2018 final rule.

MHA appreciates SAMHSA’s thoughtful consideration of how to break down the barriers that 42 CFR Pt II posed to the integration of mental health and substance use treatment with the rest of health care. By...

Mental Health America (MHA) congratulates the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) on the release of its final report, Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 Inhibitors for Tardive Dyskinesia: Effectiveness and Value, and thanks ICER for engaging MHA throughout the process.

Tardive dyskinesia (TD) presents as a side-effect of antipsychotic medications, causing repetitive and involuntary movements, such as...

By Nancy Kupka PhD, RN, Walgreens

You hear a lot of buzz in the news about depression among adolescents and new mothers, but you don’t hear much about depression among older individuals. After all, as they grow older, people develop new health problems, become less physically active and more socially isolated, so it’s normal to get a little depressed —...

By Danielle Fritze, MHA Senior Director of Public Education & Visual Communications

For many people, the holidays conjure up a Norman Rockwell-esque mental picture of people gathered to enjoy food, friends, and family, accompanied by feelings of love, warmth, and excitement.

But for others, the holidays can cause them to feel anxious or depressed despite all the decorations and festivities.

There may be pressure to impress...

By Theresa Nguyen, MHA Vice President of Policy and Programs

Over ten years ago, I started working with teenagers and adults who struggled with mental health problems.

Working with individuals and families, I witnessed how exhausting and persistent the struggle against mental illnesses is.

Youth often struggled in silence for long periods before figuring out how to tell someone about their experiences. Parents were surprised...

By Patrick Hendry, MHA Vice President of Peer Advocacy, Supports, and Services

I have Tardive Dyskinesia (TD), but I am one of the lucky ones.

My symptoms are intermittent and fairly mild. In the mornings I experience problems with my tongue wanting to protrude out of my mouth, and there is a stiffness that affects my gait. I walk my dog every...


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