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Mental Health America Blog

Mental Health America Blog - Chiming In

By Nadia Ghaffari, Founder of

We all remember the challenges and difficulties of high school––even before the internet and social media! Raising a child today is hard; it doesn’t come with a manual, and often, we feel like we are winging it.

We know kids today are dealing with...

By Paul Gionfriddo, MHA National President & CEO, and Nathaniel Counts, MHA National Senior Policy Director

The Interagency Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC) is a new change agent for mental health reform that was established by the 21st Century Cures Act, thanks to the incredible efforts of Senators Cassidy and Murphy and Representatives Murphy...

By Steven Feldman, Executive Director, The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)

MHA Staff and their Furry Friends

Living in today’s fast-paced and interconnected world can be tough on our mental health.

Technological advances like smartphones, high-speed internet and social media...

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA National Digital Marketing Manager, and Sachin Doshi, MHA National Director of Development

Photo Credit: Ninja Theory

Warning: Some major plot spoilers below, as well as sensitive content.

Video games are growing exponentially as a form of mass media....

By Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS, Founder and President of ASHA International


By Nathaniel Z. Counts, JD, MHA Senior Policy Director

MHA appreciates your tremendous federal advocacy to stop the House and Senate health care bills...

By Jean-Phillipe Regis, Manager, Children, Youth and Families, Human Rights Campaign Foundation

In minority and marginalized communities, mental health is often considered a taboo or weakness--something I’ve heard should be “taken to God.” Treatment for mental illness is spoken about in even more hushed tones. That’s one reason...

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

In a nutshell I use my stories, along with poetry, as a catalyst to get students to unpack stressors that they have been harboring or have bottled up.


By Lauren Carson, Founder of Black Girls Smile Inc. 

I remember precisely the day that I first heard the word “depression” float into the air and for some reason the word landed heavily on me in a foreshadowing manner.

I was thirteen years old and overheard a conversation between my parents as my father...


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