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Mental Health America Blog

Mental Health America Blog - Chiming In

By Michele Hellebuyck, MHA Policy and Programs Manager

Employment can have a positive effect on mental health. It offers the opportunity to apply skills and talents, while boosting self-confidence and self-efficacy. On the other hand, finding employment can be quiet challenging for someone dealing with a mental health condition. To start with, you must confront the stigma surrounding mental health in the workplace. Despite the...

By Paul Gionfriddo, MHA President and CEO 

Photo Credit: Beth Dubber/Netflix

Warning: Some major plot spoilers below, as well as sensitive content including suicide, sexual assault

Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why gives us another opportunity to talk about some of the most troubling and traumatic events that confront young adults in American society today. It also...

By Christine Dearmont, Legacy Supply

Science is beginning to show that mood disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent. The American Academy of Pediatrics published one of these studies in 2016 titled “National Trends in the Prevalence and Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults.” Among the surprising...

By Brooke HIlton, Dual Diagnosis Day Founder

Today May 15, 2018 is the first ever Dual Diagnosis Day! I know what you might be thinking… a) What is dual diagnosis? b) Do we really need another awareness day? and c) Why should I care?

Well, the answer, like the problem, is complex. And should care about dual diagnosis. In fact, in a recent government study, an estimated 8.2 million...

By Cynthia Germanotta, Born This Way Foundation President + Co-Founder and Colleen Werner, Reporter

In today’s fast-paced, overworked, hectic society, stress seems almost inescapable. And while stress obviously impacts mental health, according to the American Psychological Association, it also has the potential to affect nearly every system of the...

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA Digital Marketing Manager

Not only is May observed as Mental Health Awareness Month, but it’s also designated as Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Based on data from, we know that Asian Americans are least likely to have a history of diagnosis even though 57% of those who completed a...

By Sahar Aker, Founder of I Choose Beauty

Five years ago, I didn’t know that this snow-covered bush would have such a profound effect on my life, my mood, and how I would forever see the world.

It was the first picture I took for my #ICHOOSEBEAUTY project, something I thought would last just a couple of...

By Sachin Doshi, MHA Director of Development

Mental Health America (MHA) has existed by one name or another since 1909. We’ll be 110 years old next February. Take a moment to think about that. That’s longer than most of us will ever live. Only a few hundred people today were alive when Clifford Beers started what would become a legacy that endured — and grew — far beyond him.

If we’ve learned one thing along the way about what it takes to...

By Brandon Fox, Recording Artist

It started with a “something’s wrong” text.

That led to a question amongst the family - what’s going on?

When the issue of mental health entered my family’s life, we tried to keep it hidden. Even after losing my father to alcohol, depression, and suicide - while my mother suffered from bipolar disorder, I was still writing...

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA Digital Marketing Manager

To honor Mental Health Awareness Month in May of 2017, artist Derek Hess posted a daily image to his social media outlets that showcased his ongoing battle with Dual Diagnosis, a term for those who live with both a mental illness and a substance use issue.

What started off as self-exploration quickly turned into a personal journey for many dealing with their own mental health and addiction...


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